NextGEN Gallery by Imagely = V2.1.49 - 07.26.2016 = * NEW: Add a "Default" template option to override ATP settings when a global setting is used * NEW: Added "generic" error reporting back during image upload. * NEW: Added notice for deprecating PHP 5.2 * NEW: Option to display child gallery and album descriptions when viewing albums * Changed: ATP preview images are smaller with tighter margins to show more images * Changed: Content of Upgrade to Pro page * Changed: New NextGEN Overview page * Changed: Replicate gallery name sanitation of NG legacy for gallery paths * Fixed: Resolved all found PHP warnings/notices/deprecations and strict errors * Fixed: Compatibility on Windows servers with network mounted document roots * Fixed: Ensure EXIF meta data is loaded from the appropriate exif_data array instead of exif_array * Fixed: Gallery Settings toggle not functioning * Fixed: Uploading breaking when thumbnail or image resizing fails due to lack of specific format support for image libraries * Fixed: Warning generated in nggallery.php checking useMediaRSS option = V2.1.46 - 06.23.2016 = * Fixed: Remove inner nextgen-gallery folder due to build issue = V2.1.45 - 06.22.2016 = * Fixed: Freemius assets should not be minified = V2.1.44 - 06.22.2016 = * NEW: "Add Gallery" button added next to "Add Media" button on Create/Edit Post screen * NEW: IGW placeholder images are watermarked * NEW: Added API for communicating with Lightroom plugin * NEW: Gulp build system * NEW: Added "ngg_igw_placeholder_line_2_settings" and "ngg_igw_placeholder_line_1_settings" filters * NEW: Added "ngg_settings_during_image_generation" filter to adjust image generation * NEW: Added "ngg_before_save_thumbnail" filter for image manipulation abilities * NEW: Added the ability to apply GD filters during image generation * NEW: Integrated with WordPress SEO sitemaps to show include NGG images in image counts * Changed: Links to manage a gallery after it's been created don't appear in the IGW * Fixed: Freemius code shouldn't be minified * Fixed: When a datamapper entity is saved, it's corresponding cache should be cleared * Fixed: IGW placeholder images aren't used by WordPress SEO's OpenGraph analysis = V2.1.43 - 05.25.2016 = * NEW: Added Freemius integration * NEW: Added actions actions ngg_updated_image_meta, ngg_recovered_image, ngg_generated_image, ngg_moved_images, and ngg_copied_images * NEW: Added patch from WPML copyping ATP galleries to new language pages when duplicating a page to a new language * Changed: Moved 'ngg_delete_picture' action to before the image has been removed * Changed: Now prevent maximum_entity_count from being set to 0 or lower in Other Options * Changed: Updated "Roots" relative url support to re-branded "Soil" relative url * Changed: Updated branding so all publicly visible instances of "Photocrati" are now "Imagely" * Changed: Upgraded FontAwesome to 4.6.1 * Fixed: Album breadcrumbs when used with legacy templates * Fixed: Compatibility with added WP role objects without a remove_cap() method * Fixed: Default watermark setting causing images to be watermarked by text even though "image" is shown chosen on "Other Options" * Fixed: Navigating to albums with UTF8 characters in their name * Fixed: Replaced use of get_currentuserinfo() with wp_get_current_user() = V2.1.33 - 04.25.2016 = * Fixed: Compatibility with themes and plugins which enqueue underscore.js in the head of the document * Fixed: Ensure that shutter reloaded can find it's image assets = V2.1.31 - 04.05.2016 = * NEW: Added constant NGG_SCRIPT_VERSION that is either the plugin version or rand() should SCRIPT_DEBUG be on * NEW: Added warning when saving galleries and refuse to automatically delete galleries with one or more "../" in their path. * Changed: ATP slug field disallow several characters (spaces, ?, |, &, [, ]) by replacing them with dashes as they are typed * Changed: Made get_static_url() look in the WP_CONTENT/ngg/(module_name)/static directory for CSS/JS overrides * Fixed: Bug introduced in 2.1.24 allowing gallery paths & slugs to contain spaces; galleries must be "saved" once to correct them * Fixed: Compatibility with WPML String Translation when uploading images without title or description * Fixed: Made get_image_url() encode gallery directory names 'because%this%is' a valid directory * Fixed: Manage Galleries > Search results not saving when edited * Fixed: Provided imagebrowser legacy templates not using AJAX pagination when enabled * Fixed: Resource manager breaking the layout of the Multisite Plugin Activation page * Fixed: Static url generation when the nextgen-gallery directory is a symlink outside of the WordPress roots = V2.1.27 - 03.16.2016 = * Fixed: Formatting issues with changelog = V2.1.26 - 03.15.2016 = * Fixed: Removed unnecessary whitespace from "Related images" template that caused issues with some themes * Fixed: Detection of parents from grand-child-albums when generating breadcrumbs * Fixed: C_Router->initialize() generating warnings with WP-CLI or the WP-CLI-Cron * Fixed: Added Roots-theme relative-url support to C_MVC_Router->get_static_url() * Fixed: nggdb::get_unique_slug() not generating unique slugs * Fixed: Album breadcrumbs CSS compatibility with certain themes * Fixed: C_Gallery->validation() not working properly when sanitizing gallery title using UTF-8 * Fixed: NGG's cross-frame-communication cookies not being purged * Fixed: Updated C_Dynamic_Thumbnails_Manager->get_uri_from_params() with user-submitted patch * Fixed: Updated C_CustomPost_DataMapper_Driver->_save_entity() with user-submitted patch * Fixed: Cleaned up overview.php's readability and removed some now-long-unused code from legacy's ajax.php = V2.1.23 - 01.05.2015 = * Secured: XSS vulnerabilities in Manage Gallery pages * Secured: Ability to browse and import gallery folders = V2.1.19 - 12.23.2015 = * Fixed: PHP warning about incorrect usage of parse_url() = V2.1.18 - 12.21.2015 = * NEW: Added text domain and domain path to plugin header * NEW: Add the ability to specify gallery title with import_gallery_from_fs() method * NEW: Swedish (sv_SE) translation (thanks Anders O Johansson) * Changed: Updated FontAwesome to version 4.5 * Changed: Handle for bundled version select2 is now called 'ngg_select2' * Fixed: Removed redundant translatable strings (thanks Rene Wolf) * Fixed: Loading non-WOFF fonts on IIS servers * Fixed: Attempt to load non-existing minified translation files for Plupload * Fixed: Order direction not honored on Manage Galleries page * Fixed: _NGG_Galleries_List_Table compatibility with WordPress 4.3+ * Fixed: Double-UTF8-encoding of image metadata * Fixed: Don't use interframe communication outside of the Insert Gallery Window * Fixed: Problem deleting interframe communication cookies = V2.1.15 - 09.09.2015 = * Secured: Image uploads * Fixed: Don't use esc_attr_e() to prevent translation issues * Fixed: Ensure that deleting a gallery doesn't delete anything it shouldn't * Fixed: get_gallery_abspath() should return NULL if the path doesn't exist = V2.1.10 - 09.01.2015 = * Secured: Escape output of parameters in templates to avoid XSS = V2.1.9 - 08.25.2015 = * NEW: Added ngg_manage_galleries_items_per_page filter * NEW: Added ngg_manage_galleries_items_order filter * NEW: ngg_manage_galleries_items_orderby * Secured: Limit the ability to browse folders outside of NGG_IMPORT_ROOT = V2.1.7 - 08.12.2015 = * Changed: "Flush image cache" now removes images from the database w/o a gallery * Changed: "Show Meta" popup: parse date_format through date_i18n() * Changed: Made Add Gallery/Images notifications a link to the gallery * Changed: No longer cache displayed galleries as transients * Changed: Updated widgets to use PHP5 parent::__construct() over $this->WP_Widget() * Fixed: C_NextGen_Metadata->get_EXIF() was bugged with imagebrowser-exif template * Fixed: Cornerstone/X compatibility * Fixed: Recovering images was 'generating' from backup instead of copying * Fixed: Setting post thumbnail more than once on a page/post * Fixed: Permanently hide display types from ATP without an active POPE module = V2.1.2 - 07.20.2015 = * NEW: Ability to import from Media Library * NEW: Added filter 'ngg_datamapper_table_name' * NEW: Added filter `ngg_legacy_template_directories` for legacy template locator (thanks Ross McKay) * NEW: Pagination available onManage Images page * NEW: Added filter ngg_manage_images_items_per_page_array to control pagination options * NEW: Added filters 'ngg_load_frontend_logic' and 'ngg_get_modules_to_load' * NEW: Added filter 'ngg_add_page_shortcode' to control Manage Galleries > 'Create new page' content * NEW: Added filter 'ngg_manage_albums_items_order' * Changed: Removed PHP4 support * Fixed: Ability to set NextGEN Image as Featured Image * Fixed: Don't use resource manager in download requests for WP Photo Shelter * Fixed: Updated custom jQuery-UI styling to resemble WordPress postbox styling * Fixed: Styled plupload buttons to resemble WordPress buttons * Fixed: Removed 'fixed' class from manage galleries table. Allows columns to adjust to content * Fixed: Removed note about flash support and fixed typoe (thanks Rene Wolf) * Fixed: Fixed typo in nggallery.po * Fixed: Cache results of lookup_columns() to avoid multiple identical queries; thanks go to Alex Bradaric * Fixed: Better WP-CPI detection * Fixed: Removed unnecessary calls to parent::initialize() * Fixed: Adjusted album-compact template to always include p.ngg-album-gallery-image-counter * Fixed: Replaced empty gallery rendering in is_feed() with a link * Fixed: Removed default settings for imagerotator, which is no longer supported * Fixed: Optimizated scanning of images when importing a gallery * Fixed: When a gallery is deleted, ensure that DB and filesystem are purged * Fixed: Removed Insert Gallery Window box shadow * Fixed: Ensure that file_exists() calls are prefixed with @ = V2.1.0 - 05.18.2015 = * NEW: Album breadcrumbs and pagination * NEW: Ability to override builtin MVC templates * NEW: Robust transient management * NEW: Added the ability to set post thumbnails via XML-RPC module * NEW: Added 'ngg_get_image_size_params' filter to control image generation * NEW: Added 'ngg_basic_tagcloud_title' and 'ngg_basic_tagcloud_excluded_display_types' filters * NEW: Added ngg_manage_images_items_per_page filter * NEW: Added "ngg_get_image_url" filter * NEW: Including Ukranian and Polish translations * NEW: The ability to set template in widgets * Changed: Default thumbnail dimensions set to 240x160 * Changed: Product now adheres to Pope 0.12 and provides get_modules_to_load() * Changed: Updated translations * Changed: Removed link to capsman plugin in Roles accordion * Changed: Taxnomies now use internationalized strings * Changed: Image date/time meta data fields are stored as UNIX timestamps * Secured: Uploading zips * Fixed: Various PHP warnings and notices * Fixed: Compatibility fixes for WPML * Fixed: Ensure that backup image functionality fails gracefully * Fixed: WP option 'ngg_do_upgrade' updated in every HTTP request * Fixed; Empty $_SERVER['PATHINFO'] causing multiple routing issues * Fixed: "Manage Galleries" display image alttext in the filename column * Fixed: Various issues with the tag cloud display type * Fixed: Integrity check when updating from 1.9.x * Fixed: Image filenames substituting spaces for + which is only proper in the query string * Fixed: Insert Gallery Window not working with nested levels of gzip compression * Fixed: Imagebrowser as lightbox effect not working with pagination * Fixed: Compatibility with MultiVerso Advanced File Sharing * Fixed: "Add page" button not displaying on the next immediate page load * Fixed: Double-escaping of non-latin characters * Fixed: Imagebrowser pagination with custom templates * Fixed: Custom CSS is enqueued late to ensure it's one of the last stylesheets loaded * Fixed: Fixed watermarking PNG images * Fixed: Using the "Import Metadata" bulk action overwrites existing data * Fixed: Seconds were not retained from CaptureTime EXIF field * Fixed: Conflicts created by our TinyMCE plugin * Fixed: Image mapper setting gid to gallery name, not the unique ID * Fixed: Restored nggdb->get_random_images(), nggdb->search_for_file, and nggdb->find_all_albums() * Fixed: Allow gallery slug as parameter to nggdb::get_gallery() * Fixed: Don't minify Plupload's i18n JavaScript * Fixed: Custom template images not being given their full effect code attributes * Fixed: When importing galleries from folders, allow symlinks * Fixed: Use of C_Gallery_Mapper in C_Image_Wrapper * Fixed: Properly handle themes that don't call wp_footer() or wp_print_footer_scripts() * Fixed: Warning about missing style.php file on Network Admin -> Gallery page * Fixed: Warning about getimagesize() failure when backing up an image = v2.0.79 - 03.20.2015 = * Secured: Sanitized C_Displayed_Gallery->_add_find_in_set_column() third parameter = V2.0.78 - 03.12.2015 = * Secured: AJAX actions for uploading images and importing folders now uses nonce checks = V2.0.77 - 03.05.2015 = * NEW: Added "ngg_get_image_url" filter * Changed: Use a more reliable means of excluding Pro/Plus modules from using minified static resources * Fixed: Imagebrowser pagination with custom templates * Fixed: Custom CSS is enqueued late to ensure it's one of the last stylesheets loaded * Fixed: Fixed watermarking PNG images * Fixed: Using the "Import Metadata" bulk action overwrites existing data * Fixed: Seconds were not retained from CaptureTime EXIF field * Fixed: Conflicts created by our TinyMCE plugin * Fixed: Image mapper setting gid to gallery name, not the unique ID * Fixed: Restored nggdb->get_random_images(), nggdb->search_for_file, and nggdb->find_all_albums() * Fixed: Allow gallery slug as parameter to nggdb::get_gallery() * Fixed: Don't minify Plupload's i18n JavaScript * Fixed: Custom template images not being given their full effect code attributes = V2.0.76 - 02.24.2015 = * Fixed: Compatibility checks for very old versions of NextGEN Pro * Fixed: Zero-byte downloads in WooCommerce and WPE-Commerce * Fixed: Invalid URL being enqueued if a custom lightbox is selected with no URL provided * Fixed: Restored a method to nggAdmin to fix compatibility with NextGen Public Uploader * Fixed: Bug preventing source='recent' from displaying images in the correct order * Fixed: Include more quotation symbols in our shortcode manager (foreign language shortcodes) * Fixed: WPML/ATP compatibility issue * Fixed: $nggdb->get_gallery() returning a different result than before = V2.0.74 - 02.20.2015 = * Changed: Removed jQuery Lightbox and Highslide due to incompatible licensing with GPL = V2.0.71 - 02.19.2015 = * NEW: Module files are compiled into a single package file to reduce disk I/O * NEW: All CSS stylesheets and Javascript source files are minified to reduce latency * NEW: All lightboxes are configured using an in-memory management class. * NEW: Uses Pope 2.0, benefiting from the new caching capabilities * NEW: NextGEN Gallery's functionality is disabled if NextGEN Pro is incompatible * NEW: Added ngg_effect_code filter * Changed: Updated FontAwesome to 4.3.0 * Changed: Updated select2 to 3.5.2 * Changed: Removed PicLens / CoolIris integration * Changed: Removed JSON API. Please use XML-RPC API instead * Changed: For performance reasons, we cache FS & url lookups/calculations * Changed: Greatly reduced the # of sql queries, and eliminated anything redundant * Changed: For performance reasons, we cache datamapper and SQL queries * Changed: Don't enqueue scripts or styles unless we require them * Changed: Reduce the number of resources we enqueue for every HTTP request * Changed: Ngg_Store now uses cookies instead of localStorage * Changed: Insert Gallery Window is routed using wp-admin/admin_init * Changed: Removed unused code from ngglegacy module. Created wrappers for commonly-used functions * Changed: LZW module removed * Changed: Legacy template drop-down selection now using select2 * Secured: Restrict folder browsing to NGG_IMPORT_ROOT constant * Fixed: Compatibility issue with PHP's transparent ZLIB compression * Fixed: Imagebrowser as lightbox effect not working when non-default permalink slug used * Fixed: Angled quotations marks used in shortcode parameters * Fixed: Compatibility between ImageBrowser display type and TwentyFifteen theme * Fixed: Allow pagination to retain query string url parameters when linking to other pages * Fixed: Fixed pagination issues with slideshow galleries displayed as thumbnails * Fixed: Fix C_GalleryStorage_Driver_Base->import_gallery_from_fs() not checking imgBackup * Fixed: Fixed problem with default settings being applied multiple times * Fixed: Fallback to "full" image sizes if "backup" images aren't available * Fixed: Use M_DataMapper's serialization methods throughout the codebase * Fixed: Conflict with WordPress SEO and get_the_excerpt() call * Fixed: Don't run Resource Manager on wp-login.php or wp-sign.php * Fixed: TinyMCE Image Editor conflict with Insert Gallery Window placeholder images * Fixed: Fix Shutter positioning when admin bar is displayed * Fixed: Allow deselection of a legacy template * Fixed: Prevent conflicts when using imagebrowser as a lightbox effect * Fixed: Pagination not working for slideshows using thumbnail integration = V2.0.66.33 - 11.24.2014 = * Fixed: Broken NextGEN Pro ecommerce-related shortcodes * Fixed: Spanish PO file = V2.0.66.31 - 11.21.2014 = * Fixed: Broken shortcodes with WordPress 4.0.1 = V2.0.66.29 - 09.17.2014 = * NEW: Added skip_excluding_globally_excluded_images property to displayed gallery objects * Fixed: SQL generation for random image selection * Fixed: Adjust regex for replacing displayed gallery placeholder images * Fixed: Removed filters to home_url needed previously for WMPL compatibility * Fixed: Use canonical redirects when appropriate * Fixed: Ability to override image files using XML-RPC = V2.0.66.27 - 08.18.2014 = * Fixed: Missing class.frame_communication_option_handler.php error = V2.0.66.26 - 08.18.2014 = * NEW: Added fault tolerance to bulk action AJAX requests * Changed: Moved some settings from DB to in-memory * Fixed: Compatibility with BuddyPress plugin in multisite environments * Fixed: Ability to find static resources outside of WP_PLUGIN_DIR * Fixed: Autoupdate conflict with Photocrati Theme * Fixed: Workaround GoDaddy's throttling of consecutive AJAX requests * Fixed: Issue with settings manager in multisite enviroments = V2.0.66.17 - 08.08.2014 = * NEW: Added french translations * Secured: XSS vulnerability in jQuery Plupload Queue (thanks Codevigilant Team) * Secured: XSS vulnerability in thumbnail/slideshow integration links * Secured: XSS vulnerability on Manage Albums page = V2.0.66.16 - 07.30.2014 = * NEW: Added new "limit" setting to Slideshow widgets * NEW: Added a "ngg_routes" action for other plugins to hook into to provide new routes * NEW: Added NGG_SKIP_LOAD_SCRIPTS constant, which existed in 1.9.x * NEW: Added NGG_GALLERY_ROOT_TYPE constant. Set to 'content' to load galleries from the content_dir / content_url * NEW: Bosnian (bs_BA) language thanks to Nevesin Srdoc * NEW: Chinese (zh_CN) language thanks to Vahi Chen, * NEW: Dutch (nl_NL) language thanks to Taeke Kooiker * NEW: Filipino (fil) language thanks to Find Hold, * NEW: French (fr_FR) language thanks to Jean-Yves Dumaine & Le Blog de Lise * NEW: Hungarian (hu_HU) language thanks to Zoltán Varanka * NEW: Italian (it_IT) language thanks to Jacopo Caggiano, @tizz * NEW: Russian (ru_RU) language thanks to SnakeD3 * NEW: Spanish (es_ES) language thanks to Andrew Kurtis at WebHostingHub * Changed: Updated Czech language thanks to Separatista; additional thanks to Martin Krizek for the original translation who was mistakenly unaccredited * Changed: "Upgrade to Pro" page has new design, advertises for NextGEN Plus * Changed: Basic Albums templates now given the image counter P element the class 'ngg-album-gallery-image-counter' (by user request) * Changed: Gallery widgets now apply height:auto to their element; fixes compatibility with some themes * Changed: Random galleries should be substantially faster now (1000% or more for large image tables) * Fixed: Complete WPML compatibility * Fixed: Disable Buddypress 'bp_do_redirect_canonical' filter as it ruins our routing system * Fixed: Use plugins_url() content_url() when appropriate rather than just site_url() and home_url() * Fixed: WP Cron job will remove not only displayed gallery transients, but rendering transients as well * Fixed: NGG_RENDERING_CACHE_TTL constant is honored properly * Fixed: If using the caption template for Basic Thumbnails, only show the image caption when appropriate * Fixed: If NGG is uninstalled, so are it's custom capabilities * Fixed: Translate "Attach NextGEN Gallery to Post" ATP icon alt text when translations are active * Fixed: Multisite gallery path tooltip gave a wrong default setting * Fixed: Flush 'all' caches when pope_module_list setting changes * Fixed: Don't enqueue related images css in the admin * Fixed: Basic Slideshows fixes WP creating extraneous P element above the slideshow display * Fixed: Basic Singlepic will now display images marked 'excluded' in the admin * Fixed: Admin pages can now update when the "Save" button text has been translated = V2.0.66 - 05.20.2014 = * Secured: Check mime type of image files using a variety of mechanisms = V2.0.65 - 05.04.2014 = * Secured: Limit uploads to images and zips = V2.0.63 - 04.29.2014 = * NEW: Translation ready * NEW: Including German translation by Roland Stumpp * NEW: Including Czech translation by Separatista * NEW: Including Finnish translation by Vesa Tiirikainen * NEW: WPML / qTranslate support * NEW: Bundled Browser+ JavaScript library * NEW: Added NGG_DISABLE_FILTER_THE_CONTENT constant to manage conflicts * Changed: Moved jquery.nextgen_radio_toggle.js to NextGEN Admin Module * Changed: Original display settings are passed to secondary display types * Fixed: Thumbnail dimension calculations are inaccurate by 1px when maintaining aspect ratio * Fixed: Copy IPTC data from original to new image when creating new sizes / thumbnails * Fixed: Use correct absolute path when importing images in a multisite environment * Fixed: Incorrect display of disk space quotas in multisite environments * Fixed: Removed redundant roles form in multisite environments * Fixed: Insert Gallery Window support for multisite environments * Fixed: Incorrect handling of NextGEN Styles in multisite environments * Fixed: Not honouring NGG_IMPORT_ROOT constant * Fixed: Fixed inability to edit gallery properties using XMLRPC's edit_gallery method * Fixed: Alignment issues in Basic Compact Albums caused by subalbums not displaying image 'counter' * Fixed: Display setting forms compatibility issue with WordPress 3.9 * Fixed; Compability with jQuery Dialogs in WordPress 3.9 * Fixed: Maximum entity code should be a displayed gallery property for recent/random sources only * Fixed: Problems with zlib compression: * Fixed: Support for web servers which use a document root of '//' * Fixed: Compatibility with WPML Translation Management * Fixed: use 'del' for function name in ngg_store.js, 'delete' is a reserved keyword * Fixed: Enqueue fontawesome only when necessary * Fixed: Suhosin compatibility issue when overriding PHP memory limit * Fixed: Handle images of wrong image type correctly when trying to create cropped thumbnails * Fixed: Datamapper entities not allowed to have properties with a value of 0 * Fixed: Resource manager is manipulating feeds * Fixed: Convert absolute urls to relative urls for lightboxes * Fixed: Start the resource manager as early as we can within the init action * Fixed: Routing problem for galleries with images named 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc. * Fixed: Added tooltips to basic slideshow settings * Fixed: Remove CKEditor's NextGEN button, which is incompatible with NextGEN Gallery 2.x = V2.0.61 - 04.01.2014 = * Fixed: Compatibility with WP 3.9 * Fixed: Exception thrown when using Reset button = V2.0.59 - 03.18.2014 = * Changed: Separated pope_module_list from ngg_options record in options table * Fixed: Removed code causing jQuery compatibility issues in WP Admin * Fixed: Allow third-parties to override jQuery with Google's CDN * Fixed: When resetting the 'jquery' handle, ensure that jquery-migrate is a dependency * Fixed: Silenced many PHP warnings * Fixed: Datamapper->count() not returning the correct count * Fixed: Compatibility with Gravity Forms = V2.0.58 - 03.10.2014 = * Fixed: Reset jQuery to WP defaults when modified by a third-party * Fixed: Compatibility with WP jQuery Lightbox plugin * Fixed: Compatibility with Peekaboo theme = V2.0.57 - 03.05.2014 = * NEW: Re-introduced the Reset button * NEW: Tooltip added for Page Link to functionality * NEW: Displayed Gallery Triggers moved from NextGEN Pro to NextGEN Gallery (not in use) * NEW: Added NGG_Store, a client-side persistence layer (not in use) * NEW: Added NGG_CRON_SCHEDULE constant. Set to the number of seconds between the execution of NextGEN Gallery cron jobs * NEW: Added NGG_RENDERING_CACHE_TTL constant. TTL measured in seconds. * NEW: Added NGG_DISPLAYED_GALLERY_CACHE_TTL constant. TTL measured in seconds. * NEW: Added NGG_DISABLE_LEGACY_SHORTCODES constant. When TRUE, [slideshow] becomes [nggslideshow]. * NEW: Added Font Awesome, available for NextGEN Gallery extensions * Changed: Transients are removed every 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes * Changed: Admin Page & Form components refactored to allow custom POST processing * Changed: Default path for NEW multisite installations to wp-content/uploads/sites/%BLOG_ID%/nggallery/ * Fixed: Ability to upload ZIP files on Windows hosts * Fixed: Support for filenames with non-ASCII characters * Fixed: Dynamic updates in the Attach to Post interface (interframe communication) * Fixed: Attach to Post interface freezing in IE11 * Fixed: Path issues on Windows Servers * Fixed: Module installer integrity * Fixed: Database query performance. No more joins to the WP options table * Fixed: Lightboxes storing absolute paths for static resources * Fixed: Displayed gallery cache not regularly flushed * Fixed: SQL query performance problems. Honor max_packet_allowed variable for MySQL * Fixed: Multiple database queries generated for determining next available image slug * Fixed: Corrupted MediaRSS feeds * Fixed: Padding on Gallery Settings and Other Options pages * Fixed: Routing issues on subdirectory installs * Fixed: Importing galleries using the Attach to Post Interface * Fixed: Gallery path calculations on Windows web servers * Fixed: Sub-album urls not processed correctly * Fixed: Apply maximum entity count to existing displayed galleries * Fixed: NextGEN Gallery Thumbnail Widget shouldn't use ImageBrowser effect * Fixed: Ability to set shuffle parameter for ImageRotator slideshows * Fixed: PHP warning about HTMLDocument when displaying a SinglePic * Fixed: Sanitization of gallery title * Fixed: Home URL now used instead of Site URL in MediaRSS feed * Fixed: Attach to Post interface broken when WPML is installed * Fixed: Attach to Post interface instructing browser to cache the page * Fixed: Watermarking not working in low-memory environments * Fixed: Maximum images limit not being applied for galleries already created. * Fixed: Double forward slashes in static urls * Fixed: Don't sleep when checking if the installer is running * Fixed: Don't enforce Pope interface contracts * Fixed: Remove custom table extra records from wp_options table * Fixed: Scan folder for new images not working * Fixed: Incorrect page permalink used for "Page Link To" functionality * Fixed: Pagination broken when Basic Thumbnail gallery on the same page as Basic Album * Fixed: parse_url() warnings generated for PHP 5.3.3 and earlier * Fixed: Compatibility with Headway Themes * Fixed: Compatibility with web servers which don't provide PHP a document root * Fixed: Third-party incompatibilities caused by the Photocrati Resource Manager * Fixed: Compatibility with the Flattr plugin * Fixed: Compatibility with the Weaver II theme * Fixed: Interface tweaks for WordPress 3.8 = V2.0.40 - 11.26.2013 = * NEW: Added the ability to apply lightbox effects to non-NGG images * NEW: Added NGG_HIDE_STRICT_ERRORS constant. Define and set to TRUE to hide strict errors * NEW: Added NEXTGEN_GALLERY_IMPORT_ROOT constant. Define and set to TRUE to browse from a custom directory * NEW: Added NGG_DEBUG constant. Define and set to TRUE to display helpful messages for debugging * NEW: Each custom table record will have an associated custom post record for expansion * NEW: Display helpful error messages when there's a problem uploading images * NEW: Add data-(src|thumbnail|image-id|title|description) attribute to gallery image anchors * NEW: Variant support for displayed gallery sources. Random images is limited to 5 variations * Fixed: Excessive creation of transients for random galleries * Fixed: Many issues prohibiting the ability to upload images * Fixed: Compatibility with NextGEN Gallery Export Plugin for Adobe Lightroom (thanks Vladimir!) * Fixed: Sorting in the Attach to Post interface * Fixed: HTML allowed in gallery/album descriptions * Fixed: Requests for galleries within albums that have numeric names are broken * Fixed: Call to a non-member function get() on WP_Query * Fixed: Ability to sort by Image ID in the Attach to Post interface * Fixed: Isolate the Attach to Post from implicit third-party script inclusion * Fixed: Check for the existance of thumbnails when generating urls, and if missing, generate new ones * Fixed: Compatibility with NextGEN Facebook OpenGraph+ plugin * Fixed: Various XML-RPC issues * Fixed: Widgets stylesheet not included * Fixed: Issue with color not being pre-selected when previewing Watermark * Fixed: E_NOTICE emitted when cleaning up cached image files * Fixed: E_NOTICE emitted when viewing display type settings * Fixed: Typo adjusting pcre.backtrack_limit for shortcodes * Fixed: Content within the tabs of the Attach to Post interface cut-off * Fixed: Routing problem which would cause conflicts with different display types on the same page * Fixed: Broken Dynamic CSS links on GoDaddy * Fixed: Ability to use HTML in gallery/album descriptions * Fixed: Sub-album requests conflicting with paginated galleries on the same page * Merged: Pull request from andreasE ( = V2.0.33 - 10.21.2013 = * NEW: Requests /ngg_tag/[tagname] will create a displayed gallery * NEW: Option added to "Import Gallery" tab to use original images * Fixed: Links are broken on the ngg_tags-sitemap.xml file by WordPress SEO * Fixed: PHP notice: Attempt to assign property of non-object * Fixed: Undefined property warnings when using NextGEN Basic Thumbnails * Fixed: Detect if an applying a transient to a displayed gallery was successful * Fixed: Compatibility issues with BJ-Lazy-Load and Colorbox * Fixed: Pagination conflicts for multiple Imagebrowsers on the same page * Fixed: Ability to display previous exception with debug mode * Fixed: Tagclouds not working in multisite instances * Fixed: Load widgets.css when a widget is being used * Fixed: Installer should remove all instances of the component factory * Fixed: Widget settings interface not intuitive * Fixed: Inability to upload images in some Windows host environments * Fixed: Sorting images/galleries using the Attach To Post interface * Fixed: Fix detection of HTTPS (pull request by Leonhardt Wille) * Fixed: Compilation errors of regular expressions * Fixed: Pro galleries wouldn't display in environments using PHP 5.3.3 or less * Fixed: Scanning of router slug is now limited to the uri, not the url * Fixed: Show slideshow link isn't required for thumbnail/imagebrowser integration * Fixed: WordPress media-upload with 'singlepic' image size * Fixed: Use target=_blank when the link setting is provided for NextGEN Basic Singlepic * Fixed: Only display rendering errors if WP_DEBUG is enabled = V2.0.31 - 10.03.2013 = * NEW: Restored AJAX pagination for NextGEN Basic ImageBrowser display type * Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress Local SEO by Yoast * Fixed: Inability to upload images if image_slug field was missing in database * Fixed: Integration of NextGEN Basic Thumbnail and NextGEN Basic Slideshow display types * Fixed: Photocrati Resource Manager further adjusted to be third-party friendly * Fixed: Added the ability to find legacy templates in both the child/parent theme directories * Fixed: JavaScript errors in Attach to Post interface * Fixed: Router can handle port numbers in urls * Fixed: Carousel template was linking to NextGEN Basic ImageBrowser view * Fixed: SQL query generated for displayed galleries using tags as source * Fixed: 3rd party compat: raise & never lower pcre.backtrack_limit = V2.0.30 - 09.25.2013 = * NEW: Restored the ability to use imagebrowser display type instead of a lightbox effect * Changed: Displayed galleries are no longer rendered in RSS feeds * Changed: Removed "Plugin Check" widget from overview page * Fixed: Silence PHP warnings/errors in an output buffer for AJAX actions * Fixed: Compatibility issue with WordPress SEO and broken site maps (and large error_logs) * Fixed: Compatibility issue with AJAX Event Calendar (and possibly others) * Fixed: Adjusted Photocrati Resource Manager to be third-party friendly * Fixed: Fixed empty result set for displayed galleries selecting 'All' tags * Fixed: URL generation for imagebrowser pagination links * Fixed: Ensure that image meta is imported on creation * Fixed: Ensure that transients are removed when an external object cache is used * Fixed: Don't load pluggable.php. This will fix plugin conflicts * Fixed: In Attach to Post interface, galleries created in one tab weren't showing in another * Fixed: Don't output frame events cookie for XML-RPC requests = V2.0.27 - 09.18.2013 = * Fixed: Reduce performance impact of purging displayed gallery transients = V2.0.25 - 09.18.2013 = * Changed: Reverting to the 2.0.21 codebase, due to major performance issues in 2.0.23 and 2.0.24 = V2.0.24 - 09.18.2013 = * WARNING: Broken release. Uses wp_clear_scheduled_hooks() to purge cron records = V2.0.23 - 09.12.2013 = * WARNING: Broken release. Major bug creates redundant cron jobs * NEW: WP-Cron job to periodically clean-up displayed gallery transients * NEW: Added "excluded_container_ids" as parameter for ngg_images shortcode * Fixed: Lightbox effect is honoured by all display types * Fixed: Highslide displays images from the correct displayed galleries * Fixed: Ensure that sub-albums display correctly when the word "album" is part of a slug * Fixed: Ensure that sub-albums display correctly when numerical slugs are used * Fixed: Related images heading only added when Related Images functionality is enabled * Fixed: PHP Warning about undefined index when viewing basic albums * Fixed: AJAX handling is third-party compatible * Fixed: Image date is no longer overwritten when an image is modified * Fixed: Fixed issue with displayed galleries using source='tags' * Fixed: Problem with transient cache not getting flushed properly from Other Options page * Fixed: Use correct gallery/transient ID when ajax pagination is used = V2.0.21 - 09.09.2013 = * NEW: Multisite support * Changed: Default image quality set to 100 for generated images * Changed: Removed dependence on simplehtmldom library * Fixed: Related images functionality works as it did in 1.9.x * Fixed: Don't compress inline JavaScript in post/page content * Fixed: Click-to-advance slideshow behavior for slideshows * Fixed: Security warnings from VaultPress * Fixed: View as Slideshow link works with AJAX pagination * Fixed: Broken links on Overview page * Fixed: Backup images option * Fixed: Stylesheet url generated correctly for Windows hosts * Fixed: Compatibility with NextGen Custom Fields plugin * Fixed: Compatibility with Adsense Explosion plugin * Fixed: Suppress wp_footer notices unless WP_DEBUG is set to TRUE = V2.0.17 - 08.30.2013 = Fixed: Match legacy behaviour when changing gallery path, i.e. don't move files = V2.0.14 - 08.27.2013 = * NEW: Added the ability to override thumbnail settings for NextGEN Basic Albums * NEW: Shortcode Manager API, which ensures that shortcodes are outputted as intended * Changed: Re-added the ability to select the original image size for widgets * Fixed: Ensure that stylesheet url returned is correct for Windows hosts * Fixed: Broken links and lightbox effects with AJAX pagination * Fixed: Try to ensure that third party plugins don't add content to our dynamic JS * Fixed: Improved reliability of iframely.js * Fixed: Ensure that urls are generated correctly in HTTPs environments * Fixed: Datamapper works correctly in environments where temporary tables aren't supported * Fixed: Fixed an issue with thickbox loading animation when home url differs from site url = V2.0.11 - 08.19.2013 = * NEW: Added "run_ngg_resource_manager" hook to by-pass our resource manager * Changed: Removed "Reset & Uninstall" tab, for now * Fixed: Compatibility with W3 Total Cache. Please flush cache after updating. * Fixed: Conflicts with Photocrati Theme Galleries * Fixed: Blank Attach to Post interface window * Fixed: Fixed ability to change Lightbox Effect settings * Fixed: Implemented techniques to ensure WP_Query variables aren't overwritten * Fixed: Enqueuing AJAX JS libraries twice in wp-admin * Fixed: Encoding issues * Fixed: PHP warnings caused by accessing unserialized data as array * Fixed: Fixed installer issues = V2.0.7 - 08.09.2013 = * NEW: New resource manager that fixes many plugin and theme incompatibilities * NEW: Styles (custom stylesheets) should reside in wp-content/ngg_styles * NEW: Added option to "Other Options -> Misc" to control maximum images returned * Secured: Removed default connector for jQuery FileTree library * Changed: Updated the simplehtmldom library to version 1.5 * Changed: jQuery is now enqueued at the beginning of every request * Fixed: Incompatibilities with BuddyPress * Fixed: Incompatibilities with Events+, bbPress, Custom Permalinks, and many other plugins * Fixed: Incompcatibilities with Member Access, AMember, Magic Fields, and More Fields * Fixed: Incompatibilities with Elegant Themes, Oxygen, Responsive, and many other themes * Fixed: Ensure that gallery images don't have a border by default * Fixed: Conflict between imagebrowser and album urls * Fixed: Reverted default gallerypath to wp-content/gallery/ * Fixed: Upgrade-safe way of overriding Styles * Fixed: Generation of AJAX url is now based on slug * Fixed: Restore nggShowGallery and nggShowSlideshow as wrappers to new API * Fixed: Always use domain as specified by WordPress Site URL * Fixed: Use WordPress Home URL over Site URL when appropriate * Fixed: Numerous pagination issues * Fixed: Adjusted our forms to comply with WordPress Firewalls * Fixed: Correct use of select2 DOM selector for maximum compatibility * Fixed: Path and URL calculations for Windows and UNIX environments * Fixed: Ensure that pluggable.php is loaded at the start of every request * Fixed: Fancybox: adjust CSS for further box-sizing protection from themes * Fixed: Use PHP 5.2.1 compatible named pattern matching syntax * Fixed: Remove usage of __DIR__ constant not supported by PHP 5.2.x * Fixed: Removed dependency on mb_string PHP module * Fixed: Allow "No Lightbox" as an option for Lightbox Effects * Fixed: Warning: "Invalid CRT parameters detected" for Windows environments = V2.0 - 07.30.2013 = * NEW: Improved user experience throughout the plugin, settings and usage. * NEW: Plupload queue uploader that allows for bulk and zip uploads within the same interface. * NEW: Complete redesign of the NextGEN options panel * NEW: Added new interface for adding galleries from pages and posts. * NEW: Galleries are now mobile friendly and responsive, which is most noticeable with a responsive theme. * NEW: Streamlined functionality for displaying galleries based on tags. * NEW: Architecture based on Pope Framework ( * NEW: New shortcode, “ngg_imagesâ€, and corresponding Attach to Post interface * NEW: Galleries have now global and instance settings * NEW: Support for FastCGI environments * Changed: Replaces shortcodes with placeholder images, however still supports legacy shortcodes. * Changed: Introduced new Growl-like notifications * Changed: The container and it’s images are centered for slideshows * Changed: NextGEN styles now override vs replace default styles * Changed: NextGEN legacy templates have been deprecated (but still function) * FIXED: The ability to use NextGEN image as a Featured Image. * FIXED: Many bugs and annoyances, such as PHP warnings, errors, etc. = V1.9.13 - 06.11.2013 = * NEW: Slideshows are now centered to their content area * Secured: Ensure that only logged in users can upload images * Fixed: Import date is presered are no longer Jan 1 1970 * Fixed: Removed mention of upgrade.php, which no longer exists = V1.9.12 - 02.15.2013 = * Fixed: jQuery Conflict Detection was trying to dequeue irremovable scripts = V1.9.11 - 02.12.2013 = * NEW: Added the ability to detect JQuery conflicts on NGG Admin Pages and auto-resolve * Changed: Added "nggalbum" shortcode. Use this when Jetpack is installed. * Changed: Using natural sorting algorithm for alphanumeric values * Changed: Database schema is automatically updated when out-of-date * Fixed: Empty drop-down for "Page Link To" * Fixed: Alphabetical image sorting * Fixed: Compatibility with Arjuna X theme * Fixed: “Creating default object from empty value†on album page * Fixed: Compatibility issues with PHP 5.4 on album page * Fixed: E_DEPRECATED warning when using get_userdatabylogin() function * Fixed: Removed many E_NOTICE errors * Fixed: Correct use of register_uninstall_hook across all PHP versions = V1.9.10 - 12.18.2012 = * Fixed: XML-RPC error displayed when authenticating using WordPress 3.5 * Fixed: Restored compatibility with NextGEN Gallery Export Plugin * Fixed: Removed some remaining references to database upgrade code * Fixed: Deleted galleries within an album are handed gracefully without warning messages * Fixed: Correct use of register_uninstall_hook * Fixed: CSS and usability issues with the TinyMCE window used to display galleries * Fixed: Inability to generate new image slugs = V1.9.9 - 12.14.2012 = * NEW: JW ImageRotator v3.17 is now bundled with the plugin and used by default. * Changed: Removed database upgrade code for versions of NextGEN Gallery earlier than 1.9.3 * Fixed: Compatibility with WordPress v3.5 ( wpdb->prepare() warnings ) * Fixed: Sorting by filename now produces expected results using a natural sorting algorithm = V1.9.8 - 12.05.2012 = * Secured: Removed bundled version of swfupload. See fix below for SCM information. * Changed: All transients created by NextGEN are flushed when the plugin is activated. * Fixed: Our primary SCM is conducted at, but was not synchronizing correctly with the WordPress Plugin SVN Repository * Fixed: The transient adjustment fixes: = V1.9.7 - 11.12.2012 = * Secured: Removed bundled version of swfupload; using WordPress-bundled version instead for WordPress 3.2 instances * Changed: Using JQuery UI for the image sorting interface (thanks Tomás Soler) * Bugfix: Image uploads work in WP 3.2 when using Safari * Bugfix: Adjusted TinyMCE window to use built-in JavaScript libraries * Bugfix: Removed Photocrati acquisition announcement * Bugfix: Fixed incorrect usage of ImageJpeg() function * Bugfix: Switched from "template_redirect" to "wp_enqueue_script" hook to load scripts and styles = V1.9.6 - 07.21.2012 = * Changed: Implemented workaround for bug found in WordPress SEO, resulting in no images being added to sitemap * Bugfix: Fixed an issue with users not being able to dismiss the "Photocrati Acquisition Notice" * Bugfix: Adjusted Javascript for activating social media pages to load on NextGEN Gallery pages only. * Bugfix: Fixed compatibility issue with Simple Facebook Connect * Bugfix: Using correct Facebook Page ID in Like button = V1.9.5 - 07.18.2012 = * Changed: Branding changes following Photocrati acquisition (removed donation messages and updated links) * Secured: Use WordPress-bundled JavaScript libraries for swfobject and swfupload instead of bundling our own * Bugfix: Adjusted thickbox effect styling to ensure that the lightbox is always displayed in the foreground * Bugfix: Fixed compatibility issues with Contact Form 7 and other plugins by following WordPress Plugin conventions * Bugfix: Fixed network-wide activation in WordPress 3.4 * Bugfix: Plugin is no longer dependent on it's folder name = V1.9.3 - 26.02.2012 = * Bugfix : Ensure to set the slug for "all" albums * Bugfix : Updated german translation ( THX to Roger Hunziker ) * Bugfix : Ensure error checking on IPTC array (THX to Kristian Edlund) * Bugfix : Handle IE8 cached images better in slideshow * Bugfix : Show album preview image if selected (THX to Kristian Edlund) = V1.9.2 - 17.01.2012 = * NEW : Added more XMLRPC commands (THX to Vladimir Vinogradsky) * Changed : Rework Post-thumbnail function (THX to Kristian Edlund) * Bugfix : Check first for valid images on unzip (only Mac OS zip-files) * Bugfix : Increase z-index for twenty eleven theme * Bugfix : Support non latin chars in tagcloud * Bugfix : Allow other tinymce intance * Bugfix : Better support for WPML translation = V1.9.1 - 10.12.2011 = * Bugfix : Security hardness for untrusted filenames/meta data (THX to Brian St. Pierre) * Bugfix : Fixed security vulnerability (TXH to Jon Cave) * Bugfix : Load piclens script via other function * Bugfix : IE7 script fix for add gallery * Bugfix : IE7/IE8 width set correctly for edit album autocomplete field = V1.9.0 - 27.11.2011 = * NEW : Keep images transparency for PNG and GIF format * NEW : Switch to Plupload, support now HTML5 Upload (only with WordPress 3.3) * NEW : Added client side resize feature (only with WordPress 3.3) * NEW : Support for gallery templates in album shortcodes [ album id=x template="name" gallery="templatename" ] * NEW : Added new hook ngg_delete_picture * Changed : Updated to jQuery Cycle Version 2.9995 * Changed : Always cache the single pictures, remove option * Bugfix : Couldn't use bulk operation for search results * Bugfix : Bugfix for Edit thumbnails under IE 8 + 9 * Bugfix : Allow empty altext in ngg.editImage * Bugfix : Various PHP notice fixes * Bugfix : Resize fix for Shutter effect and mobile Browser * Bugfix : FTP Import missing slug field into database * Bugfix : Check also EXIF field "DateTimeOriginal" for timestamp = V1.8.4 - 26.10.2011 = * Bugfix : Fixed security vulnerability (TXH to Alain Schneider) = V1.8.3 - 07.08.2011 = * Changed : Support for simple custom permalink structures (i.e. /%category%/%postname%/) * Bugfix : Sub-Albums in Albums didn't create the correct link * Bugfix : AJAX Pagination didn't work anymore * Bugfix : Adding index.php to home_url() * Bugfix : Preview picture lost on backend gallery page 2 or higher = V1.8.2 - 12.07.2011 = * Bugfix : Set pagination variables for search result, otherwise update failed * Bugfix : Update failed for paged galleries since WordPress 3.2 = V1.8.1 - 18.06.2011 = * Bugfix : Special case for pagination, instead of showing page-1, we show the clean url * Bugfix : Various PHP notice fixes * Bugfix : Typo in rewrite rules * Bugfix : Flush rewrite rules during upgrade later = V1.8.0 - 12.06.2011 = * NEW : Full rework of permalink url structure * NEW : Adding Google Sitemaps for Images (require WordPress SEO plugin by YOAST ) * NEW : Support for WPML ( WordPress Multilingual Plugin ) * NEW : Adding support for arrow key in shutter effect (THX to Flyvans) * NEW : Adding sort operation for galleries overview page * Changed : Updated pagination to new WP3.1 style * Bugfix : Create unique slug in a better way * Bugfix : Rework screen options filter for gallery and image table * Bugfix : Empty values in XMLRPC update calls are ignored * Bugfix : Create gallery failed when safe-mode on * Bugfix : Permalink didn't work in combination with album & imagebrowser = V1.7.4 - 15.02.2011 = * Bugfix : Disallow direct call of ajax file to avoid path disclosure (THX to High-Tech Bridge SA) * Bugfix : Rework jQuery Cycle slideshow for IE compat reason (THX to Justin Dickenson) * Bugfix : Resize only larger images in slideshow * Bugfix : Improved image format detection in gd.thumbnail class (THX to Kupar.b) = V1.7.3 - 20.01.2011 = * NEW : Introduce plugin health check for conflicts with other plugins/themes * NEW : Adding new XMLRPC method ngg.deleteImage * NEW : Adding new XMLRPC method ngg.editImage * Changed : Rework register script for autocomplete feature * Bugfix : Bugfix for Multisite setup and flash upload * Bugfix : WP3.1 compat issue, show site admin page only on Multisite installation = V1.7.2 - 13.12.2010 = * Bugfix : Adding images to database require slug = V1.7.1 - 13.12.2010 = * Changed : Disable upgrade for PHP4 user * Changed : Disable colorpicker for option page * Bugfix : Compat fix for upgrade = V1.7.0 - 11.12.2010 = * NEW : Publish a new post direct from the gallery admin page * NEW : Added filter hook 'ngg_get_image_metadata' to add more exif/iptc information * NEW : Adding Autocomplete field to TinyMCE Popup and Album page * NEW : More methods for XMLRPC interface * Changed : New hooks for gallery table (THX to Alexander Schneider) * Changed : Introduce jQuery dialog as new UI element * Changed : Call TinyMCE window via admin-ajax * Bugfix : Better support for SSL blogs * Bugfix : Install/Upgrade failed when table prefix contain captial letters * Bugfix : Fix validation issues in Media-RSS * Bugfix : Empty tags in XMP Meta causes PHP error * Bugfix : Rework load mechanism for slideshow * Bugfix : Copy meta data when image is copied * Bugfix : Icon Support for Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu * Bugfix : Use correct sort order in slideshow = V1.6.2 - 19.09.2010 = * NEW : Added constant NGG_SKIP_LOAD_SCRIPTS to avoid script load * Bugfix : Load Tags library with core files * Bugfix : Slideshow script failed in IE7, load script now in header * Bugfix : Load slideshow widget always * Changed : New admin notice for database upgrade * Changed : Rework crop feature for featured images * Changed : Use site_url() instead get_option ('siteurl'), required for SSL support = V1.6.1 - 08.09.2010 = * Bugfix : Script load of swfobject.js failed * Bugfix : Show sideshow also with 1 or 2 images * Bugfix : Rework null byte check in zip upload = V1.6.0 - 07.09.2010 = * NEW : Wordpress 3.0 Network (Multi-Site) support * NEW : Integrate jQuery Cycle as NON-Flash slideshow * NEW : Adding jQuery File Tree for import folder (THX to Sergey Pasyuk ) * NEW : Added action hook 'ngg_show_imagebrowser_first' on custom request * NEW : Added filter hook 'ngg_slideshow_size' to resize sildeshow for mobile browser plugins * Changed : Reorder tabs for upload * Changed : New menu icon and screen icon (THX to Ben Dunkle) * Changed : Load frontend libs always * Changed : Rework of overview page * Bugfix : Security bugfix for Zip-Upload (THX to Dominic Szablewski) * Bugfix : Allow JPG, PNG, GIF extension * Bugfix : New German translation (THX to Martin Kramarz) * Bugfix : Copy/Move also backup file * Bugfix : Calculate correct ratio for fix thumbnail size (THX to Alekz Keck) = V1.5.5 - 14.06.2010 = * Bugfix : Compat issue for post thumbnails with WP2.9 * NEW : Adding more hooks for custom fields plugin = V1.5.4 - 14.06.2010 = * Bugfix : No resize of smaller images * Bugfix : Compat issues for Post Thumbnails under WP3.0 * Bugfix : Esc_URL in Media RSS = V1.5.3 - 11.04.2010 = * New : Adding pagination to footer * Changed : Prepare new filter to replace slideshow * Bugfix : Remove non-breaking space from navigation * Bugfix : Pagination of galleries * Bugfix : Fixed brackets position for old shortcode query * Bugfix : Slideshow option 'Show next image on click" has wrong default value = V1.5.2 - 25.03.2010 = * Bugfix : XSS security vulnerability (THX to Core Security Advisories Team , Pedro Varangot) * Bugfix : Missing $wpdb in shortcodes.php = V1.5.1 - 23.03.2010 = * Bugfix : PHP4 compat issue for Add gallery & options page * Bugfix : Gallery widget can now have a empty title * Bugfix : Adding correct stripslash for gallery title = V1.5.0 - 18.03.2010 = * NEW : Support for Post thumbnail feature * NEW : Backup and Recover function for images (THX to Simone Fumagalli) * NEW : Resize images after upload (THX to Simone Fumagalli) * NEW : Added a JSON class for fetching galleries in a RESTful way (see xml/json.php) * NEW : Adding various new capabilities for user roles * NEW : Auto downloader for translation file * Changed : Rename query var from slideshow to callback for compat reason with other plugin * Changed : Convert widget function to new WP structure * Changed : Include lookup for tags into the backend search * Changed : Restructure addgallery and settings page to enable custom tabs * Bugfix : Select album preview from gallery preview pics instead random list * Bugfix : Keep fix dimension in edit thumbnail operation * Bugfix : Import meta data didn't work correct for existing images * Bugfix : Fix onload bug for Chrome 4 in Shutter script * Bugfix : Remove various PHP notices for a better world * Removed : Canonical link is now part of Wordpress 2.9 = V1.4.3 - 16.11.2009 = * Bugfix : Urlencode XML file path for sildeshow = V1.4.2 - 16.11.2009 = * Changed : Load sildeshow XML not longer via relative path * Bugfix : No imagebrowser in carousel mode * Bugfix : JS Effect navigation based on wrong array structure * Bugfix : Remove whitespaces from meta import * Bugfix : Capability check for upgrade notice * Removed : Hide "more settings" for now, causes problems with IE and jQuery UI tabs = V1.4.1 - 10.11.2009 = * Bugfix : Capabilites could not be saved * Bugfix : Ajax pagination option not saved * Bugfix : echo nggSlideshowWidget() for compat reason = V1.4.0 - 08.11.2009 = * NEW : Automatic rotate images during upload or via manage gallery page (THX to Simone Fumagalli) * NEW : Include Bulkupdate for gallery overview, require PHP 5.2 * NEW : XMLRPC support with 4 new methods : see xmlrpc.php for more information * NEW : Recent and random images can be taken from a specific gallery using the id=x parameter in the shortcode (THX to Prollius) * NEW : Recent images can be recent by exif date (instead of database id) by using the mode=recentdate parameter in the shortcode (THX to Prollius) * NEW : Introduce the WP_Object_cache and meta_data * NEW : Various new hooks and filters * Added : Better support for role manager plugin (THX to Mattias Buelens) * Added : New option to add hidden images. Needed to show all images in a modal window (Thickbox, Lightbox et.) * Added : New link parameter for the singlepic shortcode : [singlepic id=x w=x h=x link=""] * Added : New template gallery-carousel * Added : New id parameter for recent and random shortcodes : [random max="7" template="filename" id="2"] takes only pictures from the gallery with id=2 * Added : New mode parameter for recent shortcode : [recent max="7" template="filename" id="3" mode="date" /] where mode can be one of (id, date, sort). Recent pictures are delivered by addition to database (id), exif date (date) or user sort order (sort). * Added : Enable/Disable Ajax navigation via settings * Added : New filter hook 'ngg_render_template' to render templates with a other plugin * Changed : Added option to link an album with a page id * Changed : Support templates for child themes, use STYLESHEETPATH instead TEMPLATEPATH (THX to Prollius) * Changed : Rework of Media RSS Widget * Bugfix : Check capability to create a new page * Bugfix : Fix double call of filter name , changed to ngg_picturelist_object (THX to Prollius) * Bugfix : Check for a deleted gallery in a album = V1.3.6 - 20.09.2009 = * Changed : Just change the feed link = V1.3.5 - 17.07.2009 = * Bugfix : Fixed XSS issue for Page title = V1.3.4 - 07.07.2009 = * Added : New filter ngg_gallery_object and ngg_image_object * Bugfix : Fix double rendering of a gallery if two album shortcodes are used * Bugfix : Fix for custom field ngg_gal_sort * Bugfix : Changed capability check for upload * Bugfix : Check for correct version OR memory limit = V1.3.3 - 11.06.2009 = * Changed : Load Thickbox images via wp_footer() * Bugfix : Widget setting couldnot be saved = V1.3.2 - 10.06.2009 = * Changed : Resize maximum to 1280 x 1280 with nggshow (THX to onezero) * Bugfix : Bugfix for Multifile upload * Bugfix : Bugfix for sortorder under jQuery 1.3 * Bugfix : Workaround for more albums per page, need more rework * Bugfix : AJAX reload didn't work if slideshow is shown by default * Bugfix : Redirect links didn't work if permalinks are deactivates * Bugfix : Add new gallery in manage-overview didn't use defaultpath = V1.3.1 - 07.06.2009 = * Bugfix : Fixed ZIP upload, wrong variable used * Bugfix : Check for array before foreach in album missing = V1.3.0 - 07.06.2009 = * NEW : Subalbum support * NEW : Search for images in the admin tab * NEW : Add new gallery also in manage tab * NEW : AJAX support for Imagebrowser and gallery navigation (THX to Anty) * NEW : Added zip upload via URL (THX to Juan Jose Galvez) * Added : jQuery Multiple File Upload Plugin v1.44 * Added : SWFUpload V2.2.0 * Changed : Remove extension for Alttext during first import * Changed : Meta tag added via wp_head hook (THX to Viper) * Bugfix : Correct various PHP notice messages * Bugfix : Typo fix in custom fields for ngg_gal_ImageBrowser * Bugfix : Avoid upload of images in gallery without correct capability = V1.2.1 - 22.03.2009 = * NEW : Support for IE8 Web Slices in widgets * NEW : Add filter ngg_image_object * Changed : Descending order in add gallery menu * Bugfix : Exclude option didnT work for multi pages * Bugfix : Check for correct capability in manage gallery = V1.2.0 - 09.03.2009 = * NEW : Support for image tag cloud with shortcode [tagcloud] * NEW : Adding shortcode [recent max="7" template="filename" /] & [random max="7" template="filename" /] to show the most recent/random pictures (THX to Bernhard) * NEW : Crop thumbnails manually (THX to Simone Fumagalli) * NEW : Support for i18n with polyglot or qtrans plugin (THX to Boris Glumpler) * NEW : Canonical meta link support * Added : SWFUpload V2.2.0 B5 * Added : New memory limit check in upload screen * Bugfix : Language typo fixes * Bugfix : Admin Pagination fix * Bugfix : Typo fix in widgets * Bugfix : Init column script after document is ready * Bugfix : htmlspecialchars() instead htmlentities() for links in the a href title description * Bugfix : Upgrade routine didn't add sortorder to correct table (THX to Uwe) * Bugfix : Correct shotcode in media upload tab = V1.1.0 - 26.01.2009 = * NEW : Pagination for album page via custom fields ('ngg_paged_Galleries') * NEW : Support for fixed number of columns inside the gallery * NEW : Added pagination for galleries and images in admin section * NEW : New action hook after image is added to database, called 'ngg_added_new_image' * NEW : New template for caption below images, called via [nggallery id=x template=caption] * Added : SWFUpload V2.2.0 B4 * Changed : Rework of Manage image tables * Changed : Move imagerotator.swf to wp-content/uploads * Changed : Added a URL field to setup the path to the Imagerotator * Changed : Add additional parameter to gallery object * Changed : Load donators list external * Bugfix : Style fixes for tables in IE7 * Bugfix : All albums code couldn't use the slideshow, query is empty for 0 * Bugfix : Htmlentities() for links in the a href title description * Bugfix : Clean up mode for singlepic * Bugfix : Typo in widget settings = V1.0.2 - 19.12.2008 = * Added : Option to enable/disable the MediaRSS Feed * Added : For flash under FF3/WIN we should use outline: none; * Added : Use sort order also for Media RSS * Changed : Descending order for TinyMCE Editor * Changed : Added screencolor flashvar as bgcolor for the flash slideshow * Changed : Remove link to gallery in sidebar widget * Bugfix : Check for empty gallery title and show name instead * Bugfix : Album id=all / Album id=0 didn't show content * Bugfix : Check for a empty description and alttext * Bugfix : Remove HTML tags from slideshow * Bugfix : Load SWFobject always when the imagerotator exist * Bugfix : Zip-Upload in existing gallery failed * Bugifx : Typo in functions.php (THX to David Horat) = V1.0.1 - 11.12.2008 = * Bugfix : Change upgrade routine, import_date_time could cause a memory problem * Bugfix : Help pages will not show up in non-english enviroment * Bugfix : Show gallery name if title is empty = V1.0.0 - 11.12.2008 = * NEW : Adding some rewrite rules for the Blog title for a better SEO (Will be continued...) * NEW : Added ImageMagick support (currently a bit experimental) (THX to Frederic de Ranter) * NEW : Automatic unistall via register_uninstall_hook() * NEW : Added a presort option to sort easier the images * NEW : Lookup for a nggallery.css in the theme folder * NEW : Added Date/Time field to database and import it from EXIF, new sort option * NEW : Multi Widgets to show links to Media RSS feeds (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : PicLens support for galleries (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Copy/Move images between galleries (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Media RSS feeds (either for galleries, albums or global) (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Image tag management (THX to Vincent Prat) * NEW : Convert all shortcodes to WP shortcodes API * NEW : AJAX based thumbnail generator * NEW : Create output via template files, more flexible and support for multiple templates * NEW : Extended role system. Each gallery has now a author * NEW : [thumb id="4,5,12,..."] shortcode. You can now insert thumbnails for one or more images (that are not necessarly inside the same gallery). * Changed : Add swfupload 2.2.0. Support for Adobe Flash 10 upload * Changed : Update all Admin pages for Wordpress 2.7 Admin UI * Changed : New icon for TinyMCE and WP2.7 Menue from * Changed : Move update message to admin.php * Changed : Widgets are now core and doesn't need to be activate, rework as Multi Widgets * Changed : Improved the gallery management page. * Changed : Rename the filter 'ngg_create_gallery_thumbcode' to 'ngg_get_thumbcode'. * Changed : Convert tags to WP-Taxonomy tables, no more need for ngg_tags, ngg_pic2tags * Changed : Arrange manage fields in a new way * Changed : Support now SSL * Changed : Use JQuery UI instead of interface lib * Changed : Updated to swfobject 2.1 * Changed : Rework of database queries and new central nggdb class * Bugfix : Changed CSS for singlepic padding to margin * Bugfix : Check for zero in Exif Focal Length * Bugfix : Round instead inval for square thumbnails * Removed : Do not longer check for myGallery folders * Removed : Use now PclZip from WP Core * Removed : Wordpress 2.1 - 2.3 files deleted = V0.99 - 27.09.2008 = * Changed : Included swfobject version 2.1 * Bugfix : Recognize the zip better * Bugfix : Limit the length of the title in the media-upload * Bugfix : Round instead inval for square thumbnails = V0.98 - 15.07.2008 = * Bugfix : Removed all whitespaces at EOF = V0.97 - 10.07.2008 = * Changed : Get new path contstant from WP2.6 * Changed : Minor updates for WP2.6 * Changed : Added new filters (THX to Vincent Prat) * Removed : Revert singlepic wrapper, breaks validation = V0.96 - 18.05.2008 = * Changed : Use postbox for gallery settings * Added : New filter function to add custom columns * Bugfix : Fixed width for Thickbox in Manage gallery * Bugfix : fixed width for media upload select box * Bugfix : Remove P tag in singlepic regex * Bugfix : Correct format of shutter speed * Bugfix : Album name in Short code not useable = V0.95 - 25.04.2008 = * Bugfix : Correction in media-upload to fit with Wordpress 2.5.1 * Bugfix : Attribute_escape all objects in media-upload * Bugfix : Correct sortorder for albums * Bugfix : Typo correction (THX to Momo-I) = V0.94 - 20.04.2008 = * Added : New filter option ngg_create_gallery_link * Changed : Reduce amount of DB queries in albums (Big THX to Alexandr Kindras) * Changed : Revert wpautop priority change. Doesn't good for other plugins = V0.93 - 12.04.2008 = * Added : Select Full-Size or Singlepic in Media Upload * Added : Check for minimum 8 MB Memory * Changed : Priority from wpautop must be before gallery * Bugfix : Added Screencolor to Widgets * Bugfix : Clean CSS class in setup.php * Bugfix : Change PHP short tag (Thx to Archedition) * Bugfix : Remove tab.png from CSS (Thx to Frisco) * Bugfix : Remove newline and encode quotes in Media-Upload (THX to Trip Mellinger) = V0.92 - 30.03.2008 = * Changed : Higher priority for filter in WP2.5 final * Changed : Do not increase memory_limit with ini_set * Added : Read EXIF field ImageDescription = V0.91 - 24.03.2008 = * Changed : Resample mode back to 3 * Changed : Add DIV "ngg-singlepic-wrapper" for SingelPic (THX to Travel-Junkie) * Changed : Increase Tweakfactor for Memory Check * Bugfix : Use admin.css only on NextGEN pages (THX tp Oliver) * Bugfix : Updates widgets (V1.21) for ImageRotator 3.15 * Bugfix : Change order of rewrite rules for WP 2.5 * Bugfix : Include Dashboard CSS also for page "nextgen-gallery" = V0.90 - 18.03.2008 = * NEW : Sort order for images * NEW : Updated style for Wp 2.5 * NEW : Media upload tab integration for WP 2.5 * Added : Change wp shortcode filter * Added : TinyMCE V3 Button for WordPress 2.5 * Added : Singlepic center class * Changed : New default parameter for ImageRotator 3.15 * Changed : By default enable metadata import * Changed : Moved disable/enable flash setting to add gallery * Changed : wpdb->escape gallerytag in nggfunctions * Changed : Sort files after scan folder * Changed : Check for filename during upload * Changed : Remove jQuery plugin for navigation * Changed : Remove myGallery import * Changed : Resample mode default set to 5, causes problems at PHP 4.4.8 /PHP 5.2.4 * Bugfix : nggextractXML missing stripslashes * Bugfix : P tags not closed in manage.php * Bugfix : Remove " from singlepic class * Bugfix : Rewrite rule for ImageBrowser added = V0.83 - 14.02.2008 = * Changed : New Interfaces.js from WP Core 2.5, for sortable bug under IE7 * Changed : Update to jQuery V1.2.2, deregister older version from WP * Changed : Add ini_set 128MB for memory-limit * Bugfix : SWFUpload Cookie Post_Params are overwritten , no upload possible * Bugfix : WPMU options are not saved after installation * Bugfix : Remove Flush rewrite rules during install = V0.82 - 09.02.2008 = * Bugfix : add_filter (searchnggallerytags) not proper included for some other plugins = V0.81 - 04.02.2008 = * Changed : Use stristr first to reduce CPU cycles (THX to Alakhnor) * Changed : Flush Rewrites rules after option update * Changed : Rework for folder check under Safe-Mode * Bugfix : Check for array in get_option() (THX to Alessandro) * Bugfix : Add Cookie to SWFUpload, show Error code included * Bugfix : galShowOrder = Sildeshow at first didn't work * Bugfix : Remove reference from ngg_getOnlyImages = V0.80 - 02.02.2008 = * NEW : SWFUpload integrated : Show upload progress and select multiple files in the file browser dialog. * NEW : Progress bar for resize, watermark and thumbnail operation * NEW : Import Meta data from images * NEW : Show Meta data information * NEW : Cache option for SinglePic * NEW : Permalink support * NEW : Custom fields support - Change the settings for each post/page * Changed : Up to 10 Widgets, exclude galleries from random/recent images. * Changed : Refactor permission check for Safe-Mode Check and mkdir/chmod * Changed : Admin CSS in new folder/file for better structure * Changed : Clean up folder structure * Changed : Clean up code in manage.php, functions.php * Changed : Moved several functions into nggAdmin Class (functions.php) * Changed : Update to jQuery V1.1.4 (v1.2.1 causes problems with interface.js) * Changed : Hide used galleries in album admin page * Changed : Remove float in singlepic code and added class ngg-left , ngg-right (THX to Nathan Sylvain) * Changed : Edit style setting (added new class .desc , THX to Sebastian) * Changed : Check for galleryfolder instead name (THX to Luke Poland) * Changed : Delete images per default * Changed : Change CSS (ngg-album-compact) , remove width & height setting from code * Bugfix : Fixed static front page problem * Bugfix : Missing stripslashes & html_entity_decode * Bugfix : Change Album CSS (THX to Thomas-DK) * Bugfix : Watermark for GIF not correct supported * Bugfix : Missing wp_nonce at setup page * Bugfix : Add DIV in Slideshow link (for Safari & Opera) * Added : Screencolor flashvar for JW Image Rotator 3.13 or higher * Added : Set WP-CHARSET / COLLATE during installation * Added : Updated to Pclzip.lib.php v2.6 * Added : CSS ID field for gallery & images * WPMU : New site admin page (wpmu.php) * WPMU : Integrated quota check * WPMU : No update check * WPMU : Remove edit style (THX to Kristin) * WPMU : Remove uninstall button * WPMU : Remove server settings * WPMU : Gallery path set to blog.dir * Added : Support for WPMU = V0.74 - 01.12.2007 = * NEW : Added meta reader class, first step to integrated meta data import = V0.73 - 20.10.2007 = * Added : Support for Shutter Reloaded * Update to jQuery Tabs 2.7.4 * Changed : Remove $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] for IIS compatibility * Bugfix : Option Sildeshow didn't jump to overview = V0.72 - 13.09.2007 = * Added : Missing overflow:hidden in ngg-album.css * Added : New experimental stylesheet hovereffect.css * Changed : Better check for memory limit in zip-files * Bugfix : Missing stripslashes for alttext (THX to Lawrence) * Bugfix : Navigation didn't highlight page 1 (THX to Brot) * Bugfix : Albums automatic minimize if more than 4 galleries * Bugfix : Missing check_admin_referer in style (THX again to Christopher) = V0.71 - 07.09.2007 = * Added : Add defer="defer" to Slideshow to avoid IE crash (THX to Simbo) * Bugfix : Bugfix for slideshow to show all pictures * Bugfix : Wrong check_admin_referer in albums (THX to Christopher) * Bugfix : No exclude check in counter and widgets (THX to Christopher) * Bugfix : Check for existing role (THX to Lost in Network) * Bugfix : Label in roles are wrong (THX to Joern) = V0.70 - 06.09.2007 = * NEW : Add role manager page and capabilities * NEW : Show gallery with [tags=list of tags] * NEW : Show album with [albumtags=list of tags] * NEW : Tag system for all images * NEW : Option for append related images * NEW : Option to show description below thumbnail * NEW : Option to show ImageBrowser instead JS effect * Added : Add Full size link to thickbox * Added : Check for page/postid in tag processing * Added : Sildeshow widget can now contain all images * Added : Minimize/Maximize option for albums * Added : Deregister jQuery V1.1.2 for WP2.2 (to use V1.1.3.1) * Added : Integrate wp_nonce_field at all admin pages * Changed : Update to Thickbox 3.1 + mods for NextGEN gallery * Changed : Moved "clear:both" into class "ngg-clear" (THX to Gero) * Changed : Switched from jQuery Interface to jQuery Tabs from Klaus Hartl * Remove : Remove option for singlepic link * Remove : Remove options for imagebrowser * Bugfix : Most Recent image in Widget are wrong * Bugfix : More XHTML valid , htmlspecialchars() after add_query_arg() * Bugfix : Sanitize file name before upload * Bugfix : Sanitize folder name (THX to Tom Fowler) * Bugfix : Show title/alt in jQuery plugin (THX to Gregory Green) * Bugfix : i18n support for Gallery tab * Bugfix : Reduce memory-needs for plugin * Bugfix : Typo/spelling correction * Bugfix : Removed myGallery author from contribute list = V0.64 - 31.07.2007 = * Bugfix : Remove arrows in image browser text * Bugfix : Include nggadmintab.php with dirname * Bugfix : Zip-Upload under Mac > look for basename = V0.63 - 10.07.2007 = * NEW : You can now upload a zip file into a existing gallery * Added : Remove subfolder in Zip-files * Added : Show required memory for thumbnail creation * Added : Updated to jQuery.multifile 1.22 * Added : Install-Upgrade for WordPress 2.3 * Bugfix : Supress unlink error message for thumbs * Bugfix : Support upload of zip files from MAC * Bugfix : Add Stripslash for image description * Bugfix : Use for Singlepic not rel="Gallery name" * Bugfix : Moved RSS/Snoopy includes into function = V0.62 - 06.07.2007 = * NEW : Import for myGallery * Added : Updated to jQuery * Bugfix : Check for memory_limit setting, otherwise pass the test * Bugfix : Thumbcode not insert for nggDisplayRandomImages and nggDisplayRecentImages = V0.61 - 29.06.2007 = * Added : Forgot the file jquery.nextgen.pack.js and jquery.nextgen.js = V0.60 - 27.06.2007 = * NEW : Select a image from the Upload Tab * NEW : Tag [imagebrowser=id] for a Inline Gallery Browser * NEW : Show gallery without Subpages * NEW : Manage gallery : Function "Add a new page" * NEW : Manage gallery : Show/Hide thumbnails * Added : Slideshow option : Watermark / Background music * Added : Check for memory limit * Added : Show actual memory usage in overview * Added : Include function check in widget * Added : Latest Sidebar widget from KeViN * Added : Check for capability during installation * Changed : Remove P Tag around gallery tags ( THX to the work from John Godley ) * Bugfix : Delete picture, check for pid * Bugfix : admin/settings.php line #172: typos corrected (this=these,maxium=maximum). (THX to Helene D.) * Bugfix : admin/settings.php line #311: missing </td> added. (THX to Helene D.) = V0.52 - 31.05.2007 = * Changed : Create better thubmnails in square mode (THX to Kees de Bruin) * Changed : Again , fixed ratio create better thumbnails (Also for widescreen photos) * Removed : Option "Resize image before cropping" removed and included in Create square thumbnail * Bugfix : Scan folder for new picture didn't set exclude = 0 * Bugfix : If no option is checked in thumbnails, resize failed (THK to Joern Kretzschmar) = V0.51 - 28.05.2007 = * Bugfix : Thumbnail permission not set correct * Bugfix : Folder permission check wrong * Bugfix : Remove echo in album (THX to Lazy) = V0.50 - 28.05.2007 = * NEW : Select multiple files for upload (THX to Diego A., * NEW : Sidebar widget contain now Slideshow, recent images and random images * Added : New Option for Imagerotator 3.8 (Slow zoom effect) * Added : Option for CDATA wrapper (not working proper) * Added : Option for Thickbox Loading Image * Added : CSS file for dKret2 (THK to Joern) * Added : Better file permission check * Changed : Fixed ratio create better thumbnails in portrait mode * Changed : All jQuery scripts are now in "No Conflict" mode * Changed : Script loading now via wp_enqueue_script * Changed : Add constant values for folder/file permission * Changed : Use description in <A href title> * Bugfix : Remove wrong DIV tag in slideshow * Bugfix : Tag [Slideshow=id,width,height] didn't work proper * Bugfix : Name conflict in Album script (serialize) (THX to Die-Andis) * Bugfix : Changed check for CSS activation * Bugfix : Changed check for safe-mode (Don't ask) = V0.43 - 20.05.2007 = * Changed : Rename Thumbnail class to avoid php name collision * Bugfix : Missing translation flag in setup * Bugfix : Changed check for safe-mode * Bugfix : Changed check for Zip-File = V0.42 - 17.05.2007 = * Bugfix : Float function for singlepic not integrated, sorry ! * Bugfix : Remove clear:both in widget = V0.41 - 17.05.2007 = * NEW : Sidebar widget from KeViN * Update : Better album management for more galleries * Update : Thickbox v3 integrated * Added : Float selection for singlepic * Added : CSS class for widget * Added : CSS file for K2 theme * Added : German translation (THX to Lazy) * Added : Better check for safe-mode * Added : CSS Class for single-pic : class="ngg-singlepic" * Added : Option to resize image before cropping it (Setting reset of prior versions needed! Setup -> Reset Settings) * Changed : Image quality by default 85% (THX to ArizonaGroovejet) * Bugfix : Update wrong file when select other style * Bugfix : Fixed Permalink in album (THX to Helene D.) * Bugfix : Scan folder in empty gallery * Bugfix : Swfobjects only added with Thickbox effect * Bugfix : Umlauts are now handled correctly = V0.40 - 29.04.2007 = * NEW : TinyMCE Button integration * Removed : CSS Style : remove width/height in album = V0.39 - 28.04.2007 = * Added : Set ORDER BY for gallery * Bugfix : check now for Exclude != 1 * Bugfix : DB Query in function wrong * Bugfix : DB exlude = DEFAULT '0' * Bugfix : Scan folder in empty gallery = V0.38 - 28.04.2007 = * Bugfix : One time more remove get_settings :-) * Bugfix : $_GET in Manage gallery * Bugfix : exclude option = V0.37 - 28.04.2007 = * Bugfix : $_GET in Manage gallery * Bugfix : update DB installation routine = V0.36 - 26.04.2007 = * Bugfix : Stupid PHP beginner failure in album management = V0.35 - 26.04.2007 = * Rework : Folder name can be flexible * New option : Fullsize pic for Singlepic mode * New option : Select show order * Added : Check for WP2.1 * Added : Check for permission for default folder * Bugfix : Remove get_settings * Bugfix : Correction for Safe-Mode ON * Bugfix : Set Default '0' for table album.sortorder * Bugfix : Update sort order = V0.34 - 24.04.2007 = * Added : Add fix ration setting * Added : Add language file file * Bugfix : Change link in Album to get_bloginfo('wpurl') * Bugfix : Album CSS file not loaded = V0.33 - 23.04.2007 = * NEW : Overview Page * NEW : Core function * NEW : Slideshow