Plugin Name: Custom Sidebars Pro Author: Javier Marquez (Incsub), Philipp Stracker (Incsub) Change Log: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Minor improvements in the admin UI: Better scrolling, fix JS errors and PHP notices. - Fix a bug that prevented Widget-Visibility options to work. - Update third party libraries. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix PHP warning about "Missing argument 2 for apply_filters()" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix a bug introduced in last update that prevented creation of custom sidebars ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add integration for Membership2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix php notices/error in the Sidebar-Cloning module - Fix missing text-domain in translation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Add new Widget-Visibility option: Guests only ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Close possible security hole (XSS vulnerability) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix incompatibility with PopUp plugin ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Sidebars could not be created on certain webserver setups. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Plugin will install to the correct folder. - Fixed: Minified CSS files included now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Membership levels are recognized correctly by Visibility module. - Fix: Export function now works in all browsers. - Better: Add context-guide how to changes settings for static front-page. - Better: Improve layout of Custom Sidebars column in posts-list on small screens. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New: WPML support to translate name/description of custom- and theme-sidebars! - New: A column in the post-list shows the assigned custom sidebars. - New: Assign Custom Sidebars to a post via the Quick-Edit form. - New: Assign a Sidebar to a specific Author via the Sidebar Location dialog. - New: Assign a Sidebar to 404 pages via the Sidebar Location dialog. - New: Sidebars can be sorted and filtered by title. - Improved loading performance of the Widgets screen. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: When adding new widgets they are not linked anymore (not "clones") - Fix: In some browsers the "Add sidebar" popup was partially hidden. - Fix: Sometimes the dropdown list of a multiselect list stayed open. - Fix: Plugin now correctly loads the .po files to translate to other languages. - Some other small improvements. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: PHP error "WDev" undefined that appeared in ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: For some users the plugin was not loading anymore after updating to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Z-index issue in Dashboard where wide widgets where covered by the main-menu. - Fix: Added compatibility for static front-page sidebars with version 2.0.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Sidebar Locations "Front Page" and "Post Index" now work correctly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Sidebars now support unicode-text in name/description. - Minor: New debugging output that explains why a sidebar/widget is displayed. 2.0.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Fixed issue with WP sidebar chooser right after creating a new sidebar. - Fix: Fixed various issues when flagging a sidebar s replaceable. - Fix: Plugin will not load in accessibility mode but display a notice instead. - Minor fix: Make code compatible with PHP 5.2.4 - Minor fix: Slight improvement of ajax stability - Minor fix: Plugin now requires capability "edit_theme_options" 2.0.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Fixed issue with settings not being saved correctly. 2.0.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix: Fixed issue with some people losing some sidebar settings after update. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Minor fix: Use WordPress core functions to get URL to javascript files. - Minor fix: Refactor function name to avoid misunderstandings. 2.0.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Widgets that are registered via old API no longer break the page (again). - Fixed: After importing data the widgets page is reloaded to show new sidebars. - Fixed: Warnings by BuddyPress about using bp_current_user too early. 2.0.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Meta box in post editor did show missing sidebars (e.g. after switching the theme) - Fixed: PHP warning about strict standards. 2.0.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Widgets that are registered via old API no longer break the page. 2.0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Javascript errors on Windows servers are fixed. 2.0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Dashboard notification is now removed when clicking "dismiss" 2.0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - PHP 5.2 compatibility update. 2.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Complete UI redesign. - Update to Pro version. - Pro: Import/export sidebars and widgets. - Pro: Define widget visibility options. - Pro: Widget cloning. - Many small bugfixes. 1.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added: Custom sidebars now works with buddypress pages. 1.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Individual post sidebar selection when default sidebars for single posts are defined - Fixed: Category sidebars sorting - Added: WP 3.8 new admin design (MP6) support 1.3.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Absolute paths that leaded to the outdated browser error - Fixed: Stripped slashes for the pre/post widget/title fields 1.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: A lot of warnings with the PHP debug mode on - Improved: Styles to make them compatible with WP 3.6 - Fixed: Creation of sidebars from the custom sidebars option - Fixed: Missing loading icons in the admin area - Removed: Donate banner. Thanks to the ones that have be supporting Custom Sidebar so far. 1.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Searches with no results shows default sidebar. - Added: RTL support (thanks to Dvir - Improved: Minor enhancements in the interface to adapt it to wp3. - Added: French and Hebrew translations - Fixed: Slashes are added to the attributes of before and after title/widget 1.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Where lightbox not showing for everybody (Thanks to Robert Utnehmer) - Added: Default sidebar for search results pages - Added: Default sidebar for date archives - Added: Default sidebar for Uncategorized posts 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Special characters make sidebars undeletable - Added: Child/parent pages support - Improved interface to handle hundreds of sidebars easily - Added: Ajax support for creating an editing sidebars from the widget page - Added: Italian translation 0.8.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Problems with spanish translation - Added: Dutch and German language files - Fixed: Some css issues with WP3.3 0.8.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: You can assign sidebars to your pages again. 0.8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Category hierarchy is now handled properly by the custom sidebars plugin. - Added: Sidebars can be set for every custom post type post individually. - Improved the way it replace the sidebars. - Improved some text and messages in the back-end. 0.7.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Now the plugin works with themes like Thesis that don't use the the_header hook. Changed the hook where execute the replacement code to wp_head. - Fixed: When a second sidebar is replaced with the originally first sidebar, it is replaced by the first sidebar replacement instead. 0.7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed: Bulk and Quick editing posts and pages reset their custom sidebars. - Changed capability needed to switch_themes, and improved capability management. 0.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - New interface, more user friendly - Added the possibility of customize the main blog page sidebars - Added the sidebars by category, so now you can personalize all the post that belongs to a category easily in a hierarchycal way - Added the possibility of customize the authors page sidebars - Added the possibility of customize the tags page sidebars - Added, now it is possible to edit the sidebars names, as well as the pre-widget, post-widget, pre-title, post-title for a sidebar. - Added the possibility of customize the sidebars of posts list by category or post-type. 0.5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed a bug that didn't allow to create new bars when every previous bars were deleted. - Fixed a bug introduced in v0.4 that did not allow to assign bars per post-types properly - Added an option to remove all the Custom Sidebars data from the database easily. 0.4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Empty sidebars will now be shown as empty, instead of displaying the theme's default sidebar. 0.3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - PHP 4 Compatible (Thanks to Kay Larmer) - Fixed a bug introduced in v0.2 that did not allow to save the replaceable bars options 0.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved security by adding wp_nonces to the forms. - Added the pt-widget post type to the ignored post types. - Improved i18n files. - Fixed screenshots for documentation. 0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Initial release